Happy birthday, Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs!
What does a 101-year-old Ministry of Foreign Affairs look like? Obviously, it looks like its people.
613 people work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
60% of all diplomats are women.
173 diplomats represent Estonia abroad.
Estonia has 47 foreign representations with 358 employees.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has worked continuously since 1918. It did not stop working between 1940 and 1991; instead, it continued to operate through its embassy in London and the consulate general in New York City. This way, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has had the honour of helping to preserve Estonian statehood.
Foto 1:
Building at Raekoja plats 14 (present Teachers’ House), in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was situated in November-December 1918.
Foto 2:
The first staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in front of the building at Väike-Pärnu mnt 3 in autumn 1919.
First row from the left: Alma Lindpere, Friida Tomson, Aleksander Schipai, Foreign Minister Jaan Poska, Herman Hellat, Nikolai Maim, Helene Müllerstein
Second row: Jakob Saar, Edurad Hunt, Erika Saler, Marta Johanson, Mary Veldt, Alice Erjapea.
Third row: Henrik Sepp, Villem Truve, Margarete Seilman, Hilda Metsis, Eduard Lipso, Johan Lusikas.