The Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemns the wide-ranging military attack by Russia against Ukraine that began today. Russia has decided to completely disregard international order and several international agreements, and has discarded chances of a diplomatic resolution. Instead, Russia has chosen the most regrettable path out of all options and launched a war against Ukraine.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue providing Ukraine with all possible assistance and is steadfast in its support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and its right to make decisions about its future independently, not under the bombardment, missile attacks and demands of its neighbour.
The actions of Russia and Belarus will be met with a response and a severe and forceful sanctions package will be imposed against them.
Today, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs updated its travel advice for Ukraine. We ask all Estonian nationals currently in Ukraine to leave the country at the earliest opportunity and return to Estonia. We strongly advise against any travel to Ukraine.
Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets and her Latvian and Lithuanian colleagues went to Kyiv yesterday to express support for Ukraine in this difficult situation. Due to the large-scale military action launched by Russia today, the ministers were forced to cut their visit short. The minister and the people accompanying her are safe and are departing Kyiv for Estonia.
“Tonight, Russia began its large-scale military attack against Ukraine. Many people and countries have made long-standing efforts to make sure this does not happen but now it is clear that preventing the attack was beyond any of us. The responsibility for war, suffering, loss of life and damage lies solely with the one who brings it about with lies, excuses, threats and provocations.
Russia’s attack against Ukraine today is completely unacceptable and violates international law. Estonia, together with its allies and responsible international community must do their utmost to make sure Russia’s aggression ends as soon as possible. This means we must impose the strongest sanctions possible on Russia, isolate them politically and continue offering every support to the state and people of Ukraine,” Foreign Minister Liimets said.